Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 8 Color and Light Adjustments

This photo I started by adding a border.   I  tried using the auto correct for color but it did
not help much so I manually increased the hue and saturation
of the photo. My goal was to increase the color of the leafs from the dull red color to a more brighter red
without over doing it  I also adjusted the sharpness.

I started by cropping the top of the photo to get rid of the reflection
of the flash on the windshield. I used the spot healing tool to remove
all the street signs and light post. I then used the smart brush tool to change
the sky to blue. I also increased the color and sharpness just a little to improve
the photo.


  1. I like what you were able to do with both photos. I particularly like the red leaves. They are definitely brighter and redder.

  2. Very Nice! I really like the bright red on the leaves and the brighter blues in the rainbow photo.
