Sunday, October 17, 2010


Before this class if I was taking photos of landscapes I would normally take one or two photos and be done. Since the start of this class I am now taking several photos just to pick out one that looks really good. Now I am thinking about lighting, the rule of thirds, and to use the different setting that my camera has. I also thinking about what I want to photo and how I want it to look instead of just taking a photo and hoping for the best.


  1. Isn't it incredible how much more we pay attention to lighting and composition now and wanting the perfect photo compared to just a few weeks ago when we just took the point and shoot photos.

    I really like your waterfall photo.

  2. Beautiful waterfall, but I think I prefer the cityscape shown in your second picture. I opened the photo in another window and magnified it. It was crisp and in focus, even magnified, and the detail was really great. I think it also helps that the horizon / shoreline seems to fall right along the line that divides the bottom third of the picture.
