Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 13

This was the best photo out of all the ones I took.
Most of the other photos, lighting was an issue, or there was to much
shadows. This photos I got lucky and was postiton that the light
was right that it did not create any shadows.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 10 cloning and adding text

This photo was taken Monday Night of the castle at Magic Kingdom
In Walt Disney World.
I started by croping the photo. I added the text.
I used the arch tool in layers to arch the wording

With this photo I used the clone tool to make it look
like of herd of cattle.

I cropped this photo. Used the sharpness tool then try
different coloring for the wording until deciding that the
white lettering was the best.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 9 Filters

I used the patchword filter and added the shadow behind my daugther.

I was just playing around adding different filters until I can up with this
and my daughter liked it so I stopped. To be trueful I can't remember which
all the filters I used. I do know I used water color.

Week 9 Dodge and Burn

Here what I did for these photos.
1 Added duplicate layer
2 Added new layer
3 changed blend mode to screen
4 In layer palette selected soft light
5 changed neutral color to 50% grey
6 Changed opacity to 15%
7 Darken sky
8 Darken Mickey's ears and body
9 Darken glare on right side of globe

1 Added new layer
2 named the layer
3 Set blend mode to overlay
4 Fill with overlay-neutral color to 50% grey
5 Selected Brush Tool
6 Set foreground to white
7 Lower opacity to 10%
8 Lighten face
9 Switch foreground to black
10 Darken fleathers
11 Saved changes

Friday, October 29, 2010

I was playing around in photoshop when I came tool that said
Reverse Black and White. After changing the background I used the smart tool to
turn the parts of the background that had bled over in color to black and white. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 8 Color and Light Adjustments

This photo I started by adding a border.   I  tried using the auto correct for color but it did
not help much so I manually increased the hue and saturation
of the photo. My goal was to increase the color of the leafs from the dull red color to a more brighter red
without over doing it  I also adjusted the sharpness.

I started by cropping the top of the photo to get rid of the reflection
of the flash on the windshield. I used the spot healing tool to remove
all the street signs and light post. I then used the smart brush tool to change
the sky to blue. I also increased the color and sharpness just a little to improve
the photo.