Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 9 Dodge and Burn

Here what I did for these photos.
1 Added duplicate layer
2 Added new layer
3 changed blend mode to screen
4 In layer palette selected soft light
5 changed neutral color to 50% grey
6 Changed opacity to 15%
7 Darken sky
8 Darken Mickey's ears and body
9 Darken glare on right side of globe

1 Added new layer
2 named the layer
3 Set blend mode to overlay
4 Fill with overlay-neutral color to 50% grey
5 Selected Brush Tool
6 Set foreground to white
7 Lower opacity to 10%
8 Lighten face
9 Switch foreground to black
10 Darken fleathers
11 Saved changes


  1. Great job on both shots. It is great knowing how to use these tools now because of shots just like the bottom one - losing the face in the shadows. It opens up a lot more possibilities.

  2. Nice job brightening up the important parts of the images
