Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 10 cloning and adding text

This photo was taken Monday Night of the castle at Magic Kingdom
In Walt Disney World.
I started by croping the photo. I added the text.
I used the arch tool in layers to arch the wording

With this photo I used the clone tool to make it look
like of herd of cattle.

I cropped this photo. Used the sharpness tool then try
different coloring for the wording until deciding that the
white lettering was the best.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 9 Filters

I used the patchword filter and added the shadow behind my daugther.

I was just playing around adding different filters until I can up with this
and my daughter liked it so I stopped. To be trueful I can't remember which
all the filters I used. I do know I used water color.

Week 9 Dodge and Burn

Here what I did for these photos.
1 Added duplicate layer
2 Added new layer
3 changed blend mode to screen
4 In layer palette selected soft light
5 changed neutral color to 50% grey
6 Changed opacity to 15%
7 Darken sky
8 Darken Mickey's ears and body
9 Darken glare on right side of globe

1 Added new layer
2 named the layer
3 Set blend mode to overlay
4 Fill with overlay-neutral color to 50% grey
5 Selected Brush Tool
6 Set foreground to white
7 Lower opacity to 10%
8 Lighten face
9 Switch foreground to black
10 Darken fleathers
11 Saved changes